Monday, May 31, 2010

Good or bad?

by Mary Margarette G. Villegas

Haven’t you noticed of waking up from your slumber with what we call “media”? Media is a communication. They are tools used to store and deliver information or data that later affects our attitude, mind and action.

We can’t remove the veracity that the chic of the world tinged its purpose and vitiated. It sends its message of rebellion, hurt, lust, anger, cursed words and violence. And had people led strayed to nowhere because it doesn’t feed our soul; it is becoming dead.

Haven’t you heard Good media? It is a media that promotes life thus it is positive. A media that soothes our burdened heart then rejuvenates the souls and also brings back the exile of the captives to freedom. It stimulates your faith and making our hearts right in the LORD.

What does the bible says about it? "Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.” – 1 Corinthians 6:12 NIV. We cannot allow anything to take control of our lives. Therefore, we need to filter things up in our hearts, minds, actions, and attitude through the word of the Lord, making wise choices in media. Need to have proper discernment on things through the Holy Spirit because we are set apart. It is guarding our hearts and mind against the possessions of the world. We are to keep our selves in the love of the father (1 John 2:15). Choose wisely! Choose life! Choose the word of God! Live in it. Bringing back the chicness of a Godly media to a pervert-minded-world Captains!

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